João Batista Augusto Junior

Postgraduate in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedural Law by Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (2010). Postgraduate in Economic and European Criminal Law from the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences and Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal) (2010). He attended “Compliance” at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (GVlaw – Lato Sensu Postgraduate Program at the São Paulo Law School – FGV Law/SP) (2015). Member of the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences – IBCCRIM.

He was a trainee at the Federal Court in São Paulo, acting in the 2nd Federal Criminal Court of the Judiciary Branch of the São Paulo State, specialized in crimes against the national financial system and money laundering. He joined Bialski Advogados Associados in 2007 as a trainee, becoming an Associate Lawyer in 2008. He works in several areas of Criminal Law and also Administrative Sanction Law (disciplinary administrative proceedings in the class censors, especially the Civil Police Corregiment).


BORRAGINE, Bruno Garcia; AUGUSTO JUNIOR, João Batista; LIRA, Rafael de Souza. “Lava jato” Operation: between legality and vanity. São Paulo: Conjur, 2015. Available at 06/operacao-lava- jato-entre-legalidade-vaidade.

JUNIOR, João Batista Augusto. Terrorism and money laundering in Brazil. In Direito Penal Econômico: current issues / coordination Alberto Silva Franco; Rafael Lira – São Paulo: Editora Revista dos Tribunais, 2011.

Languages: Inglês