Bruno Garcia Borragine

Bruno Garcia Borragine is a member of the Brazilian Bar Association, holds a Post-Graduation Latu Sensu in Economic Criminal Law by Law FGV – Escola de Direito de São Paulo of the Fundação Getulio Vargas, with a scientific article on the practice of advocacy and points of connection with crime of capital laundering. He is associated to the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences – IBCCRIM and the Instituto de Defesa do Direito de Defesa – IDDD. In 2007 he was approved in a public contest to work as a trainee in the Public Defender’s Office of the State of São Paulo, officiating in the criminal courts of the Criminal Forum of the Capital. In 2009 he was an academic fellow for the course “Economic Development; Globalization and Transformation of Central Europe, coordinated by the European Union “, lectured at the University of Lodz (Poland). In 2010, he worked as a consultant for the “Doing Business 2011” project related to legal issues in Brazil. Between 2012 and 2013, he acted as a volunteer associate for the “Mutirão Carcerário-SOS Liberdade” project, idealized by the Instituto de Defesa do Direito de Defesa – IDDD. Within the Lato Sensu Postgraduate Program of the Fundação Getúlio Vargas, he completed the COMPLIANCE course; He was a lawyer for the international corporate sector (M & A) of Noronha Advogados and currently works for Bialski Advogados Associados in cases related to Criminal Law.

He is co-author of the work “Exercício da Advocacia e Lavagem de Capitais”, coordinated by Professor Heloisa Estellita, published in 2016, by Editora FGV.


Book: “Exercício da Advocacia e Lavagem de Capitais”, coordinated by Professor Heloisa Estellita, published in 2016, by Editora FGV. Available at

BORRAGINE, Bruno Garcia; BIALSKI, DANIEL. “A Garantia de Segurança Para Advogados na Defesa de Clientes”. São Paulo. Conjur, 2016 Available at:

BORRAGINE, Bruno Garcia; AUGUSTO JUNIOR, João Batista; LIRA, Rafael de Souza. “Lava jato” Operation: between legality and vanity. São Paulo: Conjur, 2015. Available at:

BORRAGINE, Bruno G; WEBBER Marianne M. Capítulo. “Competition Law” book: “Business in Brazil Legal Guide”. Durval de Noronha Goyos Jr. (Org). 8 ed. São Paulo. 2010.

“Doing Business 2011”. Measuring Business Regulations. A Co-publication of the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation. Borragine, Bruno Garcia. Contributor. Available at:

BORRAGINE, Bruno G; WEBBER Marianne M. “Participation of foreign partners in Brazilian limited liability companies”. Última Instância, Brazil, October 28, 2009;

BORRAGINE, Bruno G; WEBBER Marianne M. “Participation of foreign partners in Brazilian limited liability companies”. Luso-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Newsletter, Lisbon – Portugal, November 22, 2009;

BORRAGINE, Bruno G; WEBBER Marianne M. “Participation of foreign partners in limited liability companies”. International Confederation of Portuguese Entrepreneurs. Lisbon – Portugal, November 17, 2009

BORRAGINE, Bruno G; WEBBER Marianne M. “Participation of foreign partners in limited liability companies”. Revista Aduaneiras. Brazil – Portugal, January 18, 2010;

Languages: Inglês