Daniel Leon Bialski

Daniel Leon Bialski, Master in Criminal Procedure by Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (2008). Bachelor of Laws by Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (1992). Member of the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences – IBCCRIM and Comunidade de Juristas de Língua Portuguesa (CJLP). He was Vice-President of the Prerogatives Committee of the Paulista Section of OAB between 2008/2009.

He joined the bank founded by his father and mentor, the late Dr. Helio Bialski, still in the year 1988, then called “Helio Bialski – Advogados Associados”, where he interned. Upon graduating in 1992, he became a member of the firm, which was renamed “BIALSKI ADVOGADOS ASSOCIADOS”. He works in the various areas of Criminal Law, with outstanding performance before the Courts of the country. In addition, he militates in the sphere of Sanctioning Administrative Law, notably administrative disciplinary proceedings in the class censoring bodies (especially in the Civil Police Corregiment).

Currently, Daniel Leon Bialski is President of the Beth-el Synagogue in São Paulo; President of the Clube A Hebraica of São Paulo; acts as treasurer of the Central Chabad Beith Synagogue; is Director of the Jewish Museum of São Paulo; is a member of the Council of Ethics and Counselor of the Sport Club Corinthians Paulista.


– BIALSKI, Daniel Leon. In Extradition and Preventive Detention; 2008; Dissertation (Master in Criminal Procedural Law) – Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Advisor: Marco Antonio Marques da Silva.

– BIALSKI, Daniel Leon. The dignity of the human person as a means of guaranteeing freedom in extradition. In Tratado Luso-Brasileiro da Dignidade Humana. SILVA, Marco Antonio Marques da (Org.). 1st edition. São Paulo: Quartier Latin, 2008.

– BIALSKI, Daniel Leon. The new interpretation of article 567 of the Code of Brazilian Criminal Procedure after the Federal Constitution of 1988. In Processo Penal e Garantias Constitucionais. SILVA, Marco Antonio Marques da (Org.). 1st edition. São Paulo: Quartier Latin, 2008.

Languages: Inglês e Espanhol